
april winding down

back at the boredoms of the day job after a productive 3-day-wknd: mm and i took a grantwriting class which was of endless benefit, we planted a plum tree in our front yard, we sifted through a voluminous mountain of old bills and scraps, we worked on our book, saw a couple outstanding movies, i ran 6 mi on Sat, we planned a yosemite backpacking trip for july, went to powell's (where i purchased the debut novel of someone i went to writer's camp with way back) and we endured a constantly shifting spate of weather conditions.

i've been dealing w/ a sort of rabid nostalgia lately, triggered in part by finding an old friend. Maybe quite common to the approach of middle-age (36 in june, ugh) but also partially related to the brain tumor - the past, especially waaayy back is coated w/ a sort of precious beauty, fragile and perfect. It's also gone. That's probably part of it. The death of innocence. Refracted spider-web patterns. An extinct old bird chirp recorded on analog now presented in surround sound. Whatever that might mean. Next you'll find me nattering to pigeons in the park...


Unknown said...

I saw this on postsecret yesterday and I thought of you

lady said...

yes, this weekend was awesome.
why can't everyday be like that??

Brian Padian said...

the day job(s) are becoming cumbersome. must shed