
epic journey, the

a week plus past Henry's death. it's still all around us but easing slightly, in particular when we're able to recall his amazing life and his badass character. his adventures were voluminous and tight-rope walker-like, fearless in the face of danger. there's the cystitis, the leap from a 2nd fl window in los angeles, the cat fights, the abcesses etc, but nothing more embodies his character than the epic journey in 2006. We moved from the 14th street house in Brooklyn in SE Portland to the Alder house in Belmont. We kept the cats inside for a few days so they could adjust. Finally when we let them out Henry didn't come home one night. We panicked, fearing the worst. Eight days later he turned up at the old house, navigating by internal radar, w/o food or water, crossing belmont, hawthorne, division, powell. Badass mothereffer.

1 comment:

Gigi Little said...

badass for sure! lovely tribute and accompanying film. yay, hank! i love it!