
vegan strippery

no combination is quite as satisfying as objectification and tempeh burgers. delicious!

actually, we've been to this establishment in its previous incarnation: pirate-themed vegan food. for real. (the current approach seems a better fit). glad to see it's getting some national press. there are lots of jokes to be made here but i won't make them. you can though...

1 comment:

Chilly said...

Man, that didn't last long at all, what not even a year, six months? I hate it when these great things come and go before I have a chance to explore for myself. While I can "put it on the list", I'm not wealthy enough to fly out there again just to be sure I catch such a thing before it implodes. I still think it was a grand idea - though I come at it as a kooky strip club enthusiast rather than a specialty diet type. If any town could have supported such a place, I figure it would have been PDX. Lame economy couldn't have helped either...