
spring cleaning

one of those wknds: car returned to our clutches on friday. we park it on the street instead of our driveway b/c the street is better-lit...we watch 'hunger' friday night and as a result spend saturday am on internet learning about the ira and ulsterism and the 6 disputed counties of northern ireland...saturday AM i go for a run, m goes up mt tabor...we get bad news from a friend...we begin emptying our kitchen of all the things that do not belong. this takes much longer than anticipated and is exhausting...somewhere in there we get bad news of a different stripe from a different friend...bone-tired we ride our bikes to montavilla and eat dinner...sunday am, walking lennie, we are both consumed with worry and sadness for friends in distress, 2 entirely different scenarios but each w/ life-altering implications. we have lived in that zone before but still fill ill-equipped to say/feel/do the right thing...at yoga later that morning the focus is on equanimity - it is the spring equinox after all - and the breath. The way intake/exhale should be the same and how a certain pose or practice will interfere...we meet an old friend in town for a couple hours. she has her own news w/ ramification and implication...we go home and clean out two closets using the same principle as the kitchen: we subtract what does not belong...we load the car w/ everything we're losing voluntarily. we donate it...later we think of the open heart, the equanimity, the meeting joy/despair with the same face...later the health-care bill passes...


la dame hex said...

all hail. listening....

Elizabeth Munroz said...

When we create more empty space in our lives there is more room for discovery. (and breath) Hope all goes well for your friends.

mogomom said...

must remember to breathe. thank you. xox